Higher Education Commission has issued clarification regarding Grant of M.Phil Allowance to MS Degree Holders and M. Phil Degree Holders. Clarification detail is as follows; 1. Reference to F.No.3 (6)Imp/2016-Vol-ll-4 dated January 04, 2017 on subject cited above. 2. Under the provision of Section 10 clause 1(o) of HEC`s Ordinance No. l,lll, dated 11.09.2002, the Quality Assurance Division of HEC has devised the Admission and Award of Degree Criteria for MS/M.Phil/PhD/Equivalent Programs. As per HEC's approved criteria, there is no difference between MS and M.Phil degrees except nomenclature. As such, there are two types of MS/M.Phil Degrees that are mentioned below: a. MS/MPhil by Course Work (30 credit hours) b. MS/MPhil by Thesis (24 cred house course work + 06 credit houses thesis) 3. It is further added that in some case, nomenclature was change from MPhil to MS after the introduction of BS and MS programs by HEC. As such following types of degrees are awarded as equivalent t...