Grant of Executive Allowance @1.5 times of the monthly basic pay to officers posted by Services and General Administration Department (S&GAD) against duly notified cadre strength in the light of the notification No.SI.2-2/2021 dated 11.02.2021 & order No.SO(AMIN-II)8-14/2017 dated 22.02.2021 issued by S&GAD (to be updated from time to time) w.e.f:-
i. For officers in BS-18 & above w.e.f 11.02.2021
ii. For officer in BS-17 w.e.f 22.02.2021
The referred allowance will be admissible subject to the following conditions:-
a) It is admissible to Officers on Special Duty (OSDs), however, the same is not admissible to officers who are on Extra Ordinary Leave (EOL) (Without pay) or on Earned Leave beyond more than 120 days.
b) Officers employed on pay package other than national pay scale (contract, MP scales, etc) are not entitled to this allowance.
c) The officers drawing Superior Executive Allowance are not entitled for the referred allowance.
d) The referred allowance will not be counted towards pension and commutation/gratuity.
e) Executive Allowance will be admissible to those officers who are posted by S&GAD (Services/Admin Wing) only.
f) South Punjab Secretariat Allowance Notified vide No.FD.PR.12-7/2018 dated 08.12.2020 will be discontinued w.e.f. 11.02.2021 (for officers in BS-18 & above) & 22.02.2021 (for officers in BS-17) for posts who are encadred for Executive Allowance.
g) The notification has three kinds of posts:-
i) One is clear cut nomenclature and identifiable place of posts and number of posts.
ii) In other case, a certain percentage of posts have been mentioned. These posts are filled by initial recruitment and by transfer orders issued by Services Wing or Admin Wing of S&GAD, as the case may be, for placing the services at the disposal of certain authority for further posting. In such case, the authority at the disposal of which services of officers are placed shall be responsible to ensure that only allocated number of officers against the encadred posts shall receive Executive Allowance.
iii) Similarly, where only number of posts are mentioned, the concerned DDO shall ensure to draw the Executive Allowance against mentioned number of posts.