The Chief Executive Officer (DEA), Hafizabad issued regularization orders of Junior Clerks appointed under rule 17-A w.e.f their initial date of joining.
In pursuance of School Education Department, Govt. of the Punjab, letter No.SO(SE-III)5-419/2018 dated 25.11.2019 and Services & General Administration Department (Regulations Wing) vide notification No.SOR-III(S&GAD)2-8/2018 dated 29.10.2019 and No.SOR-III(S&GAD)2-8/2018 dated 19.01.2021, the Junior Clerks (BS-11) already appointed on contract basis under rule 17-A are hereby regularized in terms of Punjab Civil Servant (Appointment & Conditions) Rules 1974 with effect from date of joining.