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Government of the Punjab, Finance Department issued guidelines for processing of the case for creation of post of OSD for the financial assistance of the deceased.

It has been observed that expenditure served that expenditure wing refers the routine cases for creation of post of OSD for financial assistance of the deceased employees to the regulations wing which causes unnecessary delay in processing the cases and cause inconvenience to the family of the deceased employees.

In order to curtail the agony of the family of the deceased all the sections of the expenditure wings are requested to examine the case properly in the light of Finance Department's letters No. FD SR-13-10/2004 dated 15.08.2017, dated 12.09 2017 and 03.10.2017.

Further to facilitate the sections following guidelines are notified for the processing of the case for creation of cost of OSD for the financial assistance of the deceased:

  • Provision of following information / documents may be ensured from the administrative department;

  1. Attested proforma by the administrative department mentioning following details :- Name of Deceased Civil Servant / Designation / Personnel No. - BPS - Basic Pay - Date of Birth - Date of Death - Date of Entry into Government Service - Period with date for creation of OSD - Name of Widow / Widower / Family Members
  2. Detail of Grant No. Fund Centre, Cost Centre and Object Code where the post of the deceased officer / officials existed under regular budget and now to be created
  3. Attested copy of Obituary Notification
  4. Attested copy of CNIC of the deceased and the family members, in whose favour post is created
  5. Attested copies of first and last pages of the service book in case of non-gazetted officer
  6. Attested copy of Death certificate
  7. Attested list of family members duly issued by the Administrative Department would suffice the said purpose
  8. Attested copy of last Salary slip
  • The date of superannuation needs to be calculated from the date as mentioned in service book in case of non-gazetted officers (cope service book attested by the administrative department).
  • The date of superannuation needs to be calculated from the service period mentioned on the last salary slip in case of gazetted officers
  • In case of discrepancy in calculation of age of superannuation from the date of birth from CNIC and date of entry in service on service book, the date on service book will be taken for calculation of age superannuation as per Rule 7.3 (Note-I) of Punjab Financial Rule volume-I
  • Finance Department has devised a list of family members to whom the financial assistance may be disbursed. It includes all the family members as provided in rule 4.10 of The Punjab Civil Services Pension Rules
  • Order for creation of post of OSD must mention name of eligible family members in whose favour post is created basic pay and pay scale of the post and time period for which post of OSD is created (beginning date is date of death and ending date is date of superannuation).
  • The expenditure of creation of post of OSD shall be bome by the administrative department from its own budget and same shall be mentioned in the order for creation of post of OSD. However, in case the department requires additional budget separate case for supplementary budget will be moved by the administrative department
  • The deceased's family will be allowed salary alongwith annual increases in pay less conveyance allowance
  • Draft order for creation of post of OSD is attached for reference
  • The approval for the creation of post of OSD will be granted by the concerned Additional Secretary Finance Department
  • Audit copy will be authenticated with the approval of concerned Secretary Finance Department

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