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The seventeenth (17th) meeting of Punjab Examination Commission (PEC) was held on Friday, September 20, 2019 at 09.30 A.M in the conference room of PEC. The following members attended the meeting: -

  1. Mr. Riaz Ahmad Kamlani. Vice President. The Citizen Foundation. Chairman
  2. Mr. Iqbal Hussain khan, on behalf of Secretary, Government of Punjab, School Education Department. 
  3. Ms. Amtul Qadus, Chief Executive Officer, Government of the Punjab, Punjab Examination Commission. 
  4. Sabeen Gull Khan, MPA (W-328). 
  5. The Vice Chancellor, University of Education, Lahore. 
  6. Program Director, Government of Punjab, PMIU. 
  7. Mr. Amir Mehmood, Course Coordinator on behalf of Director General, Quaid-e-Azam Academy for Educational Development, Lahore 
  8. The Chairman, Punjab Curriculum and Text Book Board, Lahore. 
  9. Mr. Abbas Rashid, Executive Director, SAHE (Educationist). 
  10. Dr. Soufia Siddiqi, Educationist. 
  11. Ms. Khadija Shahper Bakhtiar, Chief Executive officer, Teach for Pakistan. 
  12. Member on behalf of Nofel Daud, Head of Distribution, The Bank of Punjab. 
  13. Dr. Faisal Bari, Chief Executive Officer, IDEAS. 
  14. Ms. Misbah Tallat, Director (Admin) on behalf of Director Public Instruction, Elementary Education, Punjab, Lahore.
  • Four members could not attend the meeting due to their prior commitment. 
  • Opening Remarks
  • With recitation from the Holy Quran, Chairman PEC formally opened the meeting and welcomed the members. He gave brief overview of the agenda of the meeting,
  • The agenda was then taken item-wise.
  • Item No. 01: Confirmation for the Minutes of 16th Meeting of Punjab Examination Commission
  • Minutes of the 16th meeting of Punjab Examination Commission held on 13th June, 2019 were reviewed by all members.
  • Decision/Action: Minutes of 16th meeting of commission were unanimously confirmed.
  • Item No. 02: Approval of Assessment Policy Framework 2019
  • Chairman, PEC discussed the key points of APF through presentation with reference to recommendations of Technical Committee that the role of PEC in improving the quality of our students' education was ineffective because, the annual PEC exams at 5 and 8 were not identifying where the system was struggling, and where it was shining.
  • Keeping in view recommendations by the technical committee. Grade 5th exams may be discontinued and replaced with Large Scale Assessment (LSA). Improvement system of School Based Assessment (SBA) designed and lead by PEC.
  • Dr. Soufia further added that new Assessment Policy Framework has been developed with the feedback from PCTB and QAED. 
  • In 2020 Grade 5 exams will not be conducted by PEC however PEC will prepare papers along with keys and rubrics. Grade 5 exam will be conducted at school level according to the papers prepared and provided by PEC from Academic Year 2019/20. However, Grade 8 exam will be conducted by PEC as per previous practice for Academic Year 2019/20.
  • Ms Sabeen Gull Khan, MPA (W-328) supported the APF. She was of the view that Grade 5 exam put unnecessary burden on teachers and students. Teachers start finding unfair means to maintain results to save them from the punishments before start of exams and are unable to focus on teaching. New system of assessment will enable teachers to focus on teaching and will have better impact on students' learning.
  • Mr. Iqbal Hussain Khan, was of the view that there should be clarity on formative assessment. There is a need of capacity building regarding formative assessment. He also stressed that there should be a strong communication strategy for formative assessment to avoid negative political and public perceptions.
  • Chairman PCTB suggested that PEC should prepare papers for all subjects of Grade 5. All members agreed with this proposal.
  • It was also mentioned by the chair that in Phase II, Grade 8 universal exam will be discontinued in future and Sample-based LSA will be introduced for whichever key stage of schooling is deemed relevant. PEC will prepare papers for Classes 2 to 8 and will give to schools.
  • All the members unanimously agreed that this APF should be considered as recommendation by the PEC commission for approval of Government. Members discussed about the financial impact due to structural changes. CEO, PEC responded that there is possibility of using savings due to discontinuity of Grade 5 exam for meeting the cost of new assessment system.
  • Decision/Action:
  • All members of Commission unanimously recommended proposed Assessment Policy Framework including below mentioned key changes for approval,
  • Class 5 universal exam is discontinued from AY 2019/20.
  • PEC will prepare papers for class 5 along with keys/rubrics and all schools will issue final report cards of Grade 5 all subjects.
  • Grade 8 exam will be conducted by PEC as per previous practice with existing subjects.
  • Item No. 03: Recommendations for amendments in Punjab Examination Commission Act 2010
  • All commissions' members discussed the matter and it was proposed that case may be pended with governance committee for consideration and arranging legal review.
  • Decision/Actions: The item will be taken up by commission after the approval of APF by Government and in the light of recommendations of governance and finance committee.

  • Item No. 04: Temporary Posting of Defunct NEEC Staff in Punjab Examination Commission
  • Members discussed the matter and ratified.
  • Decision/Action: Commission Approved.
  • Item No. 05: Report of HR and Administration Committee, Punjab Examination Commission
  • CEO, PEC briefed the commission that the recruitment mod of CEO in MP-1 scale is approved by the government and PPSC has been requested to have screening of suitable person.
  • All the members were of the view that after publishing of advertisement in newspaper(s), it may be shared with all members by PEC. It was proposed that two members from PEC commission may be nominated in selection panel of PPSC. Commission stressed for proper follow up in case of hiring of CEO, PEC to expedite.
  • Chair mentioned that the process of staffing plan may be initiated in parallel to the approval process of APF.
  • The commission agreed with the recommendations of HR committee regarding regularization of employee from BS-1 to BS-16 subject to verification of record. Commission directed to seek advice from regulation department S&GAD for placement of services of PEAS staff in surplus pool.
  • Decision/Action: Commission Agreed for the regularization of employee from grade 1 to 16. Commission agreed with HR committee's recommendation for amendment in business rules.
  • Item No. 06: Report of Finance and Governance Committee, Punjab Examination Commission
  • House unanimously agreed with the recommendations of Finance Committee and approved offered rate 13.6% of Bank of Punjab.
  • Decision/Action: Commission Approved.
  • Item No. 07: Extension in Contract Period of two (2) Employees (Class-IV) working in Punjab Examination Commission
  • House agreed.
  • Decision/Action: Commission Approved.
  • Item No. 08: Data Center Services from PITB for PEC Grade 5 & 8 Result Announcement 2019
  • Case was discussed in detail and it was recommended that there is need to sort out the following points:
  • Prior agreement between PEC and PITB.
  • Justification of charges (unit rate). Clarification regarding budget allocation (certificate for not reflecting the same in the budget of PITB).
  • Finance committee will take up the matter with PITB
  • Decision/Action: The commission agreed to the payment subject to the satisfaction of Finance and Governance Committee on the above mentioned considerations.
  • TABLE AGENDA – 1: Payment of Salary of Pec Staff For The Month Of July And August 2019 For Information And Regularization
  • Decision/Action: Commission Approved.
  • CEO, PEC explained about their co-signatory from SED. All the members were of the view that it is not workable for day to day operations. Commission was unanimously agreed that finance committee will deliberate on the matter and will send a letter to finance department through SED regarding the matter.
  • All members agreed that CEO, PEC will remain sanctioning authority of the financial matters however Director Admin and Finance will be signing authority of cheque along with co-signatory from SED.
  • Decision / Action: Commission Agreed

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