Government of Pakistan, Finance Division (Regulation Wing) issued an office memorandum regarding Clarification on Exercising 2nd Option of Premature Retirement Before Attaining the Age of Superannuation.
- The undersigned is directed to refer to Military Accountant General's letter No.1086/AN/713-84 dated 28-10-2019 on the above subject and to clarify that in the light of Finance Division O. Ms. No.F.1(1)R-4/2007 (Vol.II) dated 17-11-2011 and No. F.1(1)RA/2007 (Vol.II) (PL) dated 06-10-2015, 2nd option of premature retirement is not allowed once Government Servant has already withdrawn his 1" option of premature retirement, however, he may exercise the option for encashment / LPR on attaining the age of superannuation as a fresh case.