Directorate of Public Instruction (SE), Punjab, Lahore issued a letter regarding Prime Minister's Mega Sports Initiative Regarding Revival of Sports in the Punjab.
- Kindly refer to School Education Department, Government of the Punjab, Lahore vide letter No. SO(D&C)4-1/2018(Part-II) dated 08-03-2019 & 17-07-2019 on the subject cited above.
- You are hereby once reiterated to take up the matter at your own personal level being Prime Minister's Mega Sports initiative regarding Revival of Sports in the Punjab and prepare a Action Plan regarding the conduct of Prime Minister's Mega Sports in the expected month of October / November, 2019 and thereafter submit it to this Directorate in the form of soft & hard copy for onward placement to the Higher Authorities on this email address: within 03-days positively.