As per the Punjab Gazette, Notification No.SO(D-II)MW/2011(P-V) dated 01.07.2019 issued by Govt. of the Punjab, Labour & HR Department regarding fixation of Minimum Rates of Wages for Adult Unskilled and Juvenile Workers.
In exercise of the powers conferred under section 6 of the Minimum wages Ordinance, 1961 (XXXIX of 1961), Governor of the Punjab, on recommendation of Minimum Wages Board, is pleased to specify the minimum rates of wages for adult unskilled and juvenile workers employed in all industrial and commercial undertakings of Punjab Province:
The following deductions shall be allowed from the wages of workers for providing housing accommodation and transport subject to agreement between the employer and workers:
An adult female worker shall get the same minimum wages as a male worker for work of equal value (Rule 15 of the West Pakistan Minimum Wages Rules, 1962).
The daily / weekly working hours, condition of overtime work, work on weekly days of rest and paid holidays, etc., shall be regulated by the factories Act, 1934 (Act XXVI of 1934), Payment of Wages Act, 1936 (No. IV of 1936) and other relevant Labour Laws.
This notification shall come into force with effect from 01st July, 2019
In exercise of the powers conferred under section 6 of the Minimum wages Ordinance, 1961 (XXXIX of 1961), Governor of the Punjab, on recommendation of Minimum Wages Board, is pleased to specify the minimum rates of wages for adult unskilled and juvenile workers employed in all industrial and commercial undertakings of Punjab Province:
- Rs. 673.08/- per day (for eight working hours)
- Rs. 17,500/- per month (for 26 working days)
The following deductions shall be allowed from the wages of workers for providing housing accommodation and transport subject to agreement between the employer and workers:
- For providing housing accommodation: Rs,217/- per months
- For providing transport facility. Rs,46/- per month.
An adult female worker shall get the same minimum wages as a male worker for work of equal value (Rule 15 of the West Pakistan Minimum Wages Rules, 1962).
The daily / weekly working hours, condition of overtime work, work on weekly days of rest and paid holidays, etc., shall be regulated by the factories Act, 1934 (Act XXVI of 1934), Payment of Wages Act, 1936 (No. IV of 1936) and other relevant Labour Laws.
This notification shall come into force with effect from 01st July, 2019