Accountant General Punjab issued a letter for seeking clarification regarding up-gradation of Computer Personal on Recommendations of the Committee Headed by the Additional Chief Secretary.
Kindly refer to Finance Department letter No.FD.PC.40-43/2017(E) dated 14.12.2018.
It is submitted that different Pay Scales are being used for the post of Computer Operator which was came to an end by issuing the above letter and revision of designation which is a best effort regarding adoption of a uniform policy. But it has been seen that still there are some misunderstanding found in the above referred circular letter dated 14.12.2018 and other similar letters regarding the change of nomenclature of the posts. This office has observed that:
- Instances have been come to know that the Administrative Departments are making up-gradations of their officials from BS-10-15 into BS-16 being the same or with the minor difference of qualifications for different grades of the posts.
- The qualification for Sr.No.2,3 & 4 may be reconsidered as BA is 14 years qualification whereas BCS is 15 years.
- Main reason of the misunderstanding is due to non-mentioning of the existing Pay Scale of the posts. Instance have been come to know that some officials having qualification of BA with 04 month computer training and already working in BS-12 to BS-15 as Computer Operator are granted BS-16 and the re-designated as Senior Computer Operator also.
- By the above referred letter dated 14.12.2018 only the up-gradation of the posts has been ordered which shall be made in Sr.No.1 to 4 from existing Scale to Revised Scale appointed. Whereas, Administrative Department are considering it as up-gradation for one Serial No. to higher Serial No. i.e. 1 to 2, 2 to 3 & 3 to 4 considering their current qualification which is admissibly only in case of promotion / appointment.
- All the above changes should be made in the relevant recruitment rules and should be issued by S&GAD.
- Sr.No. 1 to 3 contains the post of Computer Operator / System Operator etc. which create ambiguity especially by not mentioning the existing Pay Scales, which may also be reconsidered as the official who are already drawing their salaries in BPS-12 to 15 are demanding BPS-16 according to their current qualifications. (an office order issued by the DGHS Punjab Lahore dated 16.04.2019 is enclosed for example)
- Finance Department itself advised in a number of cases to withdraw illegal orders vide letter No.FD.PC40-43/2017(55/19) dated 01.03.2019.
- What would be effect of the earlier orders issued by the Govt. of the Punjab Health Department duly endorsed by the Finance department vide orders No.SO(G.III)11-1/2001 dated 21.05.2007 and No.SO(ND)1-7/91 dated 31.03.2016 in which posts of Computer Operators have already been up-graded.
A clear cut letter and comprehensive reply may kindly be made as the concerned employees are pressing hard for payment. Similar is the situation in case of posts of Store Keeper etc. which may also be considered accordingly.