OMBUDSPERSON (Mohtasib) Punjab, Secretary issued a letter regarding awareness of Protection Against Harassment of Women at Workplace Act, 2010.
- I am directed to state that the office of OMBUDSPERSON, Punjab was established under the "Protection Against Harassment of Women at the Workplace Act, 2010" (amended and adapted by the Punjab vide Act III of 2013) currently working under the Administrative Control of I&C Wing S&GAD, Government of the Punjab.
- With a to create mass awareness about the provision of the Act ibid, the Ombudsperson, Punjab has undertaken a campaign namely "Harassment Awareness Volunteer Programme" in all the districts of Punjab coupled with advertisements on TV, Radio and the Print Media. The said Act also requires that all public and private (registered) organizations shall establish Inquiry Committees and appoint Competent Authorities at their workplace.
- A lot had been done to create the awareness among the general masses and particularly the working women, but much is required to be done in this respect. A Colored Poster depicting harassment at workplace has been printed by this office reflecting the provisions of the Act, 2010 and the copies of the same are enclosed for displaying at conspicuous places in the organizations under your control where womenfolk work alongwith men. These Colored Posters may be displayed in all organizations under your administrative control. The lower formations may kindly be directed to e-mail the photographic evidence after the posters have been displayed on the following e-mail address (
- Your cooperation in this regard is solicited for effective implementation of Act, 2010.