Government of Pakistan, Office of the Controller General of Accounts, Islamabad issued a letter regarding Issue / Revival of Family Pension.
- The queries raised vide your letter have been examined and this office clarifies that the family pension ceases to be payable in case of ineligibility of any surviving family member however the same may be revived anytime e.g. a married daughter may become widow and thus become eligible for family pension w.e.f 01-07-2015 in the light of Finance Division's O.M No.F.2 (2)-Reg.6/96-IX-700, dated 07-07-2015 (Annex-1). The same may again be ceased after the demise of widowed daughter or her re-marriage or the family pension may be transferred to the next beneficiary e.g a divorced daughter. So it is confirmed that a ceased pension/family pension can always be revived whenever an event entitles a family member to receive it if in confirmation with instructions issued by the Federal Government from time to time.
- The observation raised vide Para 8 of your letter is a matter of concern. It is therefore requested to kindly share the details of the case with this office so that the response of the quoted office may be scrutinized and it may be directed to comply with the Federal Government instructions issued on the subject as on 01.07.2015.