Government of Pakistan, Office of The, Controller General of Accounts, Islamabad issued a notification regarding inclusion of all Accounts Posts in Ministries, Divisions and Departments of Federal Government in the existing posts of CGA Organization.
- In compliance with (i) the Honourable Federal Government Services Tribunal Islamabad`s judgment dated 31.07.2016 in Appeal Nos. 1087. 1088(R)CS/2013 and 504(P)PS/2013 alongwith M.P. Nos. 374. 1184, 1156, 375, 428, 1307/2015 and order dated 14.09.2018 in M.P. No. 141/2018 in Appeal No. 3439(R)CS/2017: (ii) Establishment Divisions O.M. No. 1/99/2013-E-4 dated 02.01.2014 and 6/6/2012- CP-III dated 28.10.2016: (iii) Framework of Rules and Regulations applicable to PA&AS issued on 03.03.1976 and in Continuation of this office earlier notification no. 221/CGA/ESTT/DTL/2017 dated 28- 3-2017, the Controller General of Accounts has been pleased to include all Account posts in Ministries. Divisions and Department of the Federal Government in the existing posts of CGA Organization.
- The DTL quota of 30% and 35% fixed for post of Assistant Accounts Officer (BPS-17) and Accounts Officer (BPS-18) respectively in the Departmental Cadre as notified vide CGA No.221/CGA/ESTT/DTL/2017 dated 28.03.2017 in compliance of the orders of Federal Services Tribunal in the aforementioned Appeals shall be applied strictly to all BS-17 and BS-18 posts of Departmental Cadre.
- Further, aspects of this notification will be considered and decision will accordingly be taken at a later stage by the CGA office after due deliberations with the Establishment Division so as to remove any anomalies and to ensure protection of terms and conditions of services of the existing incumbents of the posts being included.
- Authority: The Controller General of Accounts approval dated 06.11.2018.