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Kindly Subscribe my Youtube Channel ( AB Guide ) and Facebook Page (AB Guide)to Learn about Computer & Mobiles Softwares, Applications, Tips and Tricks and Many More Learning & Informative Materials. DISCONTINUATION OF PROGRAMME / PROJECT ALLOWANCES / PAY PACKAGES / MARKET BASED SALARIES WITH EFFECT FROM JULY 01, 2018
Government of the Punjab, Finance Department, Additional Finance Secretary (Reg) issued letter regarding discontinuation of project allowance for projects / programmes / policy units / policy cells or any special dispensation as part of the market based salary / pay package for government servants on their appointment in public sector companies / boards / autonomous bodies / commissions / funds / authorities / special institutions / foundations / etc.. Detail of the Letter:- 1- The existing policy about grant of Market Based Salary / Project Allowance contained in this department's letters of even number dated 20.05.2014 and 21.11.2014 or any other letter whereby any special financial benefit as part of the regular Pay / Pay Package / Market Based Salary extended to the government employees working in the subject public sector organizations have been reviewed for the purposed of rationalization and uniform application across the board. 2- In suppression of all previous policy inst...