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Government of the Punjab, Finance Department issued a case to case clarification regarding Financial Assistance to the Family of Civil Servant Who Dies in Service.

Detail of Clarification:-

Will the Section Officer (Esst.) Government of the Punjab, Food Department, kindly refer to his letter NO SOF{EX8-10/2017 dated 29.05.2018, on the subject noted above?

Finance Department has examined the case and it is clarified as under:

Q1. Which Authority will sanction/authorize family salary in case of during service death of an  official / officer?

Administrative Departments in case of provincial employees / civil servants working in field formation, will issue family salary sanction orders in individual cases by creating an OSD post in light of para-2(i) of the policy letter No FD SR-1/3-10/2004 dated 15.08.2017 FD.SR-I/3-10/2004(P).
dated 12.09.2017 read with para-5 of policy letter of even number dated 15.08.2007 (copies enclosed).

Q2. Is there any minimum length  of service required for benefit of family salary? 

 No specific length of service is required for benefit of family salary. The family of a civil servant appointed under PCS Act, 1974, dying while in service is eligible for grant of the same.
The families of contract employees dying while in service are eligible to the extent for grant of financial assistance only as per previous financial assistance rates circulated vide No.FD.SR-1/3-10/2004 dated 13.11.2014 (copy enclosed) read with S&GAD's Notification bearing No.DS(O&M)5-3/2004/Contract(MF) dated 13.02.2009 (copy enclosed).

Q3. Are probationer contract employees also entitled for this benefit?

The family of a probationer appointed under PCS Act, 1974 is entitled for financial assistance package circulated vide letter No.FD.SR-1/3-10/2004 dated 15.08.2017 (copy enclosed).
However, contract employees are entitled to the extent of financial assistance only as per previous financial assistance package circulated vide letter No.FD.SR-I/310/2004 dated 13.11.2014 (copy enclosed) read with S&GAD's Notification bearing No.DS(O&M)5-3/2004/Contract(MF) dated 13.02.2009 (copy enclosed).

Q4. Will family salary be inclusive of all allowance or otherwise?

The deceased's family will be allowed salary along with annual increases in the pay less conveyance allowance.

Q5. What will be the status of family salary in case of remarriage or death of spouse?

Family salary shall be divided equal among the surviving sons not above 24 years old and unmarried daughters as per Rule-4.10(2)(ii) of Punjab Civil Services Pension Rules.

Q6. Are parents, brothers and sisters included in definition of family for family salary?

Husband / wife, children, parents, brothers (below the age of 21 years) unmarried sisters and widowed sisters of a civil servant fall under the definition of family salary in light of Para-3(A)&(B) of Finance Department's letter No FD.SR-1/3-10/2004 dated 15.08.2007 (copy enclosed) as explained in Rule-4.10 of Punjab Civil Pension Rules.

Q7. Who will be entitled to receive family salary in case of minor children when there is no Widow or Widower?

Guardian of the minor children would receive family salary till their age of maturity. Guardian certificate would be issued by the court of law.

Q8. Is creation of post for family salary necessary or the salary can be disbursed against an existing and vacant post of same scale?

An OSD post shall be created for grant of salary till the date of superannuation of the deceased as per Serial No.2(i) of  Finance Department's letter No.FD.SR-I/3-10/2004, dated 15.08.2017 (copy enclosed) read with para-2 serial No.7 of the clarification issued to Section Officer (Accounts), S&GAD vide UO. Letter No.FD.SR-1/3-10/2004(P) dated 12.09.2017 (copy enclosed). After date of
superannuation, family pension shall be allowed as per Rul 4.10 of the Punjab Civil Services Pension Rules.

Q9. In case of death of official and his spouse will the adult and independent children be entitled benefit?

In case of death of official and his spouse financial benefits shall be equally divided among the surviving sons not above 24 years and unmarried daughters as per Rule 4.10(201) of the Punjab Civil Services Pension Rules.

Q10. In case of dispute in family members, what would be the criteria for distribution of family salary among the beneficiaries? 

Family salary would be granted as per Rule 4.10 of the Punjab Civil Services Pension Rules.

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