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Government of the Punjab, Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department, Section Officer (C&C) P&SHD issued a notification regarding Guidelines to be Followed for the Pregnant Women Attending Healthcare Facilities of P&SH Department.

Detail of Notification:

The Competent Authority has desired to adopt following guidelines for the pregnant women attend healthcare facilities of P&SH Department in order to avoid any untoward incident:
  1. Admit every pregnant women seeking treatment for intermittent abdominal / labor pains without any delay / failure and keep the patient under observation for at least 48 hours.
  2. All patients admitted in such condition shall be managed under close supervision to avoid any untoward incident.
  3. Ensure presence / availability of the skilled birth attendants at the healthcare facility.
  4. Ensure availability of the relevant sterilized functional equipment required for Antenatal, Natal & Postnatal procedures.
  5. Keep the facility clean by regular cleaning.
  6. Ensure properly handing over essential information to the colleague who follows on duty.
  7. Establish and display staffing lists, schedules (duty roasters).
  8. Complete periodic reports on births, deaths and other indicators.
  9. Always record findings on clinical record whenever the concerned doctor checks the patient with date, time, signature and by name stamp.
  10. Record vitals and obstetric examination findings at the arrival of the pregnant women at the health facility.
  11. Record treatments and follow-up recommendations at the time the observation is made.
  12. Justify reason for referral in the case of referral, the pregnant woman in active labor shall be accompanied by skilled birth attendant who shall be responsible for transferring & admitting the patient to the referred healthcare facility.
  13. In case of referral, the provision of ambulance shall be the responsibility of the concerned health facility where the patient reports.
  14. For transferring pregnant woman in active labor, ensure availability of necessary functional equipment to manage delivery in the ambulance to be used for transferring pregnant woman.  

The aforementioned instructions shall be followed in letter & spirit and in the case of failure, strict Departmental action shall be taken accordingly.

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