The Deputy Inspector General of Police, Operations, Lahore write letter to the Capital City Police Officer, Lahore to enhance penalty / fine on the traffic violations to restrain the people for such violations:-
Detail of Letter:-
It is submitted that almost daily 6000 traffic violations are observed in city district Lahore and this is a huge number. Such violations are a major cause of slow traffic, blockage of roads and accidents. Enhancement of penalty / fine on the following traffic violation can help to restrain the people for such violations.
It therefore, requested that penalty / fine on the following violations may kindly be enhanced as per following recommendation, please.
Sr. Vehicle Kind Present Fine/Penalty Suggested Fine/Penalty
1. Motorcycle Rs.200/- to 300/- 2000/- (minimum)
2. Car / Jeep Rs.500/- 10000/- (minimum)
Submitted for the kind perusal and favorable action, please.