Government of the Punjab, School Education Department, Section Officer (ACAD) issued a letter vide No.SO(A-I)2-15/2004(P-I) dated 08.08.2018 regarding Special Instructions Regarding Transgender Students:-
Detail of Letter:-
In order to recognize / protect the rights of transgender children in Pakistan under the Transgender Persons [Protection of Rights] Act, 2018 (Act No. XIII of 2018), it is advised that the following instructions be observed by the School Administration while dealing with Transgender Children: -
i- They must be treated on equal basis and in the Column of gender their real status (Transgender) may be mentioned at the time of admission.
ii- During Annual Enrollment & Retention Campaign, equal importance may be given for Boys, Girls and Transgender in order to achieve 100 % Enrollment & Retention targets.
I am, therefore, to request you to ensure implementation of the above directions / instruction in letter and spirit in all Government and Private Education Instructions in Punjab.
This may be treated on Top Priority.